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May Peace Prevail On Earth

Superman: Peace On Earth
Story by Alex Ross & Paul Dini
Illustrated by Paul Dini
DC Comics, 1999


5 stars on a Utopian Booklist for a Superman book? YES! This title is a perfect example of what must happen in order to transform our societies into cultures of peace -- It brings the theme of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world into mainstream pop culture. The story: During the Holiday Season, wishes of peace on earth fill the air, but Superman notices there is a great divide between the privileged few who have so much and the impoverished many who have so little. He decides to try to help alleviate world hunger, even if for just one day, and hopes that his actions will set an example for the world to follow. This book would receive kudos simply for addressing this issue, even if it ended up resolving this conflict in a naive happily-ever-after way. But the authors do not weave a fairytale, and instead portray the world's reaction to Superman's efforts in a manner that reflects the complex and deeply political issues behind world hunger. In the end, one is left with a deep realization of the huge obstacles that stand in the way of creating a more fair, just and equitable world, but a true sense of the steps that need to be taken to reach that goal and real hope that together we may someday be able to create peace on earth. The illustrations in this oversized graphic novel are superb and help to make this title a near perfect work. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for children and adults!

Children's Books | Adult Books | Workbooks | Anger Management
Conflict Resolution | Peaceful Parenting


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May Peace Prevail On Earth

Last updated on: 12-21-04.


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May Peace Prevail On Earth