Bernie Quotes
for a Better World

Bernie Sanders

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Prison Reform

"For people who have committed crimes that have landed them in jail, there needs to be a path back from prison. The federal system of parole needs to be reinstated. We need real education and real skills training for the incarcerated."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders
It is morally repugnant and a national tragedy that we have privatized prisons all over America. In my view, corporations should not be allowed to make a profit by building more jails and keeping more Americans behind bars. We have got to end the private-for-private racket in America.
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders
It is morally repugnant and a national tragedy that we have privatized prisons all over America. In my view, corporations should not be allowed to make a profit by building more jails and keeping more Americans behind bars. We have got to end the private-for-private racket in America.
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders
"It is morally repugnant and a national tragedy that we have privatized prisons all over America." ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders
"It makes no sense to me that the United States of America has more jails and prisons than colleges and universities." ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Our job is to make police departments look like the communities they serve. Our job is to make sure non-violent offenders do not get locked up. Our job is to rethink the war on drugs. Our job is to demilitarize police departments. Our job is to end mandatory minimum sentences."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"Overall, we need bold change in our criminal justice system. A good first step forward is to start treating prisoners as human beings, not profiting from their incarceration. Our emphasis must be on rehabilitation, not incarceration and longer prison sentences."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"We must demilitarize police departments and end minimum sentencing. These are real issues that need to be dealt with."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

"We need to end, once and for all, the disgraceful practice of corporations profiting from the incarceration of Americans."
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders

Photos included for educational purposes under the Fair Use provision
of the US Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.

BetterWorld Heroes are included for illustration purposes. No endorsement implied.
Robert Alan Silverstein & The People For Peace Project
are not associated with the Bernie Sanders For President campaign

We Can Build A Better World