Be a Hero for a Better World

Heroes for a

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A | B| C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Henry J. Kaiser

Marilee Karl

Marilee Karl

Wilfred Karunaratne

Mary Metlay Kaufman

Danny Kaye

Liya Kebede

Evelyn Fox Keller

Helen Keller

Kathy Kelly

Marjorie Kelly

Petra Kelly

Eunice Kennedy Shriver

John F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy

Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Corita Kent

Eren Keskin

Frederick Kettner


Imane Khalifeh

Nader Khalili

Azim Khamisa

Badshah Khan

Irene Khan

Lawangina Khan

Nicole Kidman

Craig Kielburger

Marc Kielburger

Jewel Kilcher

Kim Dae-jung

Coretta Scott King

Kimberly King

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yolanda King

Audrey Kitagawa

Joseph Ki-Zerbo

Naomi Klein

Leopold Kohr

Yuri Kochiyama

Käthe Kollwitz

C. Everett Koop

Fred Korematstu

David Korten

Fran Korten

Bernard Kouchner

Ron Kovic

Jonathan Kozol

Lenny Kravitz

Bruno Kreisky

David Krieger

Joan Kroc

Katarina Kruhonja

Dennis Kucinich

Maggie Kuhn

Satish Kumar

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Be a hero for a better world.
Every effort to make the world a better place makes a difference!


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