Heroes for a Better World

Ellen Barry

American Prison Rights Lawyer & Activist
1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005

birthdate: ?
Somerville, Massachusetts


I think there’s something to be optimistic about because I believe that many people throughout the country and world are starting to realize that we’ve made some deep, deep mistakes in terms of building prisons to the detriment and exclusion of building up our educational systems. Developing punitive programs for teens instead of focusing on programs that will really benefit and advantage our children.

I have so much admiration for people who face tremendous odds, who go through a journey to hell and come back.

We've entered a disturbing period that promotes a retributionist, punitive attitude toward people in our society who haven't 'made it,' who are underdogs, who don't have the financial means that other people have, and who may have disabilities like mental illness and addictions to deal with


Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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We Can Build A Better World

BetterWorld Shopping Guide
by Ellis Jones

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