Heroes for a Better World

Guy Dauncey

Canadian Environmental Activist

birthdate: ?


Fossil fuels are humanity's training wheels. Renewables are humanity's future.

For the Great Spirit, that created life
For this life, that created plants
For the plants that feed us, and give us everything,
We give thanks.

Humans are motivated by syntropic dreams of life and wholeness, not by entropic nightmares of death and collapse

What matters is not whether you are optimistic or pessimistic, but whether you are determined or defeated.

I think that if we are to be as fully compassionate as we can be, the weight of gratefulness in our souls must exceed the weight of impatience.

"It's gone beyond a struggle for oil, weapons of mass destruction, or supposed terrorist links. It's now about just one thing: shall we determine the fate of our world by dominance, or by cooperation?"

Retirement means that you get new tires, ready for the next stage of your life's purpose!

An offset must trigger the actual saving or storage of CO2, specific to the spending of the money, in a carbon saving or storing activity that would not otherwise have happened.

"There are only two problems in the world today. The first is the sum total of all our social, environmental, economic, and other woes. The second is the belief that we cannot solve them."

-"Sustainable energy is energy for which all aspects of its gathering and use enable the present generation of humans and other species to enjoy social wellbeing, a vibrant economy, and a healthy environment, and to experience fulfillment, beauty and joy, without compromising the ability of future generations of humans and other species to do the same.

"If we are not guided by a conscious vision of the future we want to see, we will be guided by an unconscious vision of the present we already have."

"Sustainability is a condition of existence which enables the present generation of humans and other species to enjoy social wellbeing, a vibrant economy, and a healthy environment, and to experience fulfillment, beauty and joy, without compromising the ability of future generations of humans and other species to enjoy the same."

The welfare of the planet is the highest law. "Salus mondi suprema est lex"

"Sleeping words that rouse the reader to rage are more powerful than raging words that bore the reader to sleep"

"An alternative, clean energy plan is doable. It's sensible. It's sustainable. And we need to get on with it, urgently."

"When we take the arts out of education, we take the soul out of learning. We need our artists to speak passionately to the souls of children, parents and executives alike - saying, "Yes, there is more.""

"Hope is like a bird that sits on your shoulder when you are doing whatever you can, and heading in the right direction."

Taken together, our efforts are like drops of dew that slowly accumulate in the soul of the world, hastening the day when the entire Earth, with all its peoples and creatures, will enjoy harmony and fulfilment -

"If we are not guided by a conscious vision of the future we want to see, we will be unconsciously guided by the present we already have."

"Sustainable energy is energy for which all aspects of its gathering and use enable the present generation of humans and other species to enjoy social wellbeing, a vibrant economy, and a healthy environment, and to experience fulfillment, beauty and joy, without compromising the ability of future generations of humans and other species to do the same."

"Sustainability means living, working and behaving in a way that will sustain the integrity and biodiversity of the local, regional & planetary ecosystem upon which all life depends"

“We have to ask ourselves each one of us where we really stand. What do you want for the future?”



"The Earth Flag is my symbol
of the task before us all.
We are the custodians of the future of the Earth.
Unless we check the rapacious exploitations
of our Earth and protect it,
we have endangered the future of our children
and our children's children.
It reminds us how helpless this planet is -
something that we must hold in our arms
and care for."

Margaret Mead, March 1977

I THEREFORE PLEDGE to live, work and act in a loving, respectful way towards this Earth that I call home, and towards all who live upon it, every insect, animal, fish, bird, plant, human and tree. In honour of this pledge, I commit myself to the following :

TO LIVE simply, resisting the urge to overpurchase and avoiding the purchase of things the production of which I know to have involved social or environmental harm.

TO EAT wholesome food produced locally by organic methods, and to minimize my consumption of food which I know to have involved cruelty to animals or other environmental harm.

TO CONDUCT myself in a harmonious, peaceable manner, avoiding selfish or arrogant behaviour, giving love and kindness to those around me.

TO TRAVEL where possible by foot, skate, bike, transit, train or carpool, and to minimize my use of the automobile, reducing my contribution to global warming, air pollution, stress and danger.

TO WORK at an activity which brings me fulfilment, and which contributes to the increased wellbeing and harmony of the Earth, and its many people, plants and creatures.

TO INVEST my savings in a socially responsible manner, supporting projects and businesses which seek to benefit nature and humanity, minimizing their physical impact on the Earth.

TO AVOID the use of chemical drugs, pesticides, fertilizers or cleaning products which I suspect to be harmful to human, animal or plant life, and to use instead natural alternatives which have been created for this purpose.

TO STUDY the details of issues or topics that attract me, so that I can act in a useful, well-informed manner and make a valuable contribution in my chosen field.

TO EXPLORE the realities of people, species and ecosystems outside this country, that I may better understand the hopes and difficulties of those with whom I share the Earth.

TO PROTEST those activities which I consider to be harmful to the present or future wellbeing of the Earth, and its many people, plants and creatures.

TO SUPPORT those whom I consider to be working in a worthy and committed way for the future wellbeing of the Earth, and its many people, plants and creatures.

TO JOIN with others who are working for similar goals, so that I can contribute my gifts, enjoy the gifts that come with fellowship, and fulfil the dream of the Earth.



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