Heroes for a Better World

Asma Jahangir

Pakastani Human Rights Activist
1995 Ramon Magsaysay Award
1995 Martin Ennals Human Rights Award Winner
1999 Human Rights First Award
2000 Prize For Freedom
1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005

birthdate: January 27
Lahore, Pakistan


Eventually things will have to get better. However, the way they will improve is not going to be because of the government or the elite leadership, or the political leadership, or the institutions of our country, most of which have actually crumbled. It will be the people of the country themselves who will bring about the change in society because they have had to struggle to fend for themselves at every level.

I think cultural diversity makes human rights even richer. It is a part of human rights to actually respect cultural diversity, to encourage it. But cultural diversity does not mean inhuman treatment of other human beings.

I am convinced that today there are many more Governments that are beginning to see that they cannot neglect people's rights and that these have to be respected because there is a huge demand for it. And the demand is being heard louder and louder by Governments.

people have the resilience to overcome conflict situations, to overcome great difficulties, to build confidences between themselves.

the United Nations is an organizational body where people, through their Governments, come together; and it can be the only place where there can be a melting pot.


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