Heroes for a Better World

Chief Oren Lyons

Native-American "Faithkeeper of the Wolf Clan"
& Indigenous Rights Advocate



It seems to me that we are living in a time of prophecy, a time of definitions and decisions. We are the generation with the responsibilities and the option to choose the The Path of Life for the future of our children , or, the life and path which defies the Laws of Regeneration.

We can still alter our course. It is NOT too late. We still have options. We need the courage to change our values to the regeneration of our families, the life that surrounds us. Given this opportunity, we can raise ourselves. We must join hands with the rest of Creation and speak of Common Sense, Responsibility, Brotherhood, and PEACE. We must understand that The Law is the Seed and only as True Partners can we survive.

Although we are in different boats you in your boat and we in our canoe we share the same river of life.

"The environment isn't over here. The environment isn't over there. You are the environment."

"If you have a clean environment, you will have a healthy atmosphere. This will make you happy and your happiness will bring joy to your parents and it will affect the community, too. Then there will be peace of mind to one and all."

"The young generation can influence their elders and can make them understand the environmental problems that are faced by us today. The youth can make them see that our environment is deteriorating day by day."

...global warming is real. It is imminent. It is upon us. It's a lot closer than you think, and I don't think we're ready for what's coming. We're not instructing our people, we're not instructing our children, we're not preparing for what is coming. And it surely is coming. We've pulled the trigger, and there is nothing we can do now to stop it. The event is underway.

The chiefs, and I personally, feel that we have not passed the point of no return. Not yet, but we're approaching it. And the day when we do pass that point, there will be no boom, no sonic sound. It will be just like any other day.


Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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