Heroes for a Better World

Robert Alan Silverstein

American Writer, Artist, Social Activist

birthdate: May 17
Brooklyn, New York


Every act of peace and compassion is important as we move forward together towards creating a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

There are no small acts of compassion. Each one is a victory for peace and each brings us all closer to a better world.

Every act of compassion is a victory for peace and helps bring us closer to creating a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Many people feel drawn to advocate for animals because even though they can feel pain and suffer just as we do, they do not have a way to advocate for their own welfare. In fact, animals are viewed by many as nothing more than property to be treated however the owner wishes. This view has created an inhumane situation for billions of animals that share our world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

I have to keep trying to manifest actions and deeds that reflect the real me, even if the world doesn't yet see me the way I know I am inside, because I know who I am.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

I’ll keep on striving to be the me I am inside, even if the world doesn't yet see and accept me for that person I want to be on the outside.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Every moment has led to this moment. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Together we can create a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Beyond beliefs is a shared vision of a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Beyond beliefs is a vision shared...
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

* Together we can create a better world!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Every act of compassion makes a difference. Be a hero a better world!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Many people are helping to make the world a better place, but humanity as a whole is making it difficult for other living creatures that share our planet to survive.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Learning to see the difference between things that we can change and things that we can't, is the first step to letting go and freeing ourselves from the burdens of guilt, regret and anger.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

In the past, children were all t
oo often viewed more as property than people. Many victories for children's rights have been won in the last 100 years, such as child labor laws, protecting children from having to work long hours in unsafe conditions; public education, allowing all children to have access to learning; and laws preventing child abuse. But there is still much to do in protecting children's rights around the world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Peace is an attitude and a choice we make. For there ever to be peace on earth, peace must become a viable option for people to choose to work out their problems; peace must be the accepted and preferred option.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

It isn't until we consciously stop and examine our lives that we realize there are many choices that we can make that will help to create a better world. Every choice makes a difference, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem at the time. The conscious effort to make a better world will open up more opportunities, and make it easier to make the right choices.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

A 'better world lifestyle' is taking the opportunity to create a better world in the many "choices" that we make each and every day.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

As global citizens, it is our responsibility to become active participants in our democracy, and to make sure that everyone's civil rights are protected.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

In our hectic, fast-paced, consumer-driven society, it's common to feel overwhelmed, isolated and alone. Many are re-discovering the healing and empowering role that community can bring to our lives. The sense of belonging we feel when we make the time to take an active role in our communities can give us a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Conflicts are a normal part of life; how we deal with them can make a big difference. Often when people resolve conflicts, one person ends up a winner, and one loses out. This may solve the problem for the moment, but resentment and bad feelings can cause more problems later. Another way to look at conflicts is to try to find a WIN-WIN solution, in which both sides can benefit. In this way, conflicts are turned into opportunities to grow and make things better. This approach is the cornerstone of "conflict resolution" - an important tool for bringing peace into our personal lives, our communities and to our world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The creative spirit is one of the most powerful driving forces in human history. Creativity in the arts can inspire new insights and understanding for generations. Inventive creativity has helped transform our society time and time again, helping to make life better for countless lives. Creativity helps bring meaning to one's life through unique self-expression. When focused on uplifting humanity, creativity can help to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. How will you use your creativity to help create a better world?
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

There is so much going on for a better world all around us that the mainstream media never shares. Throughout history, there have been many social movements for change ... for democracy, for the abolition of slavery, women's rights, for peace, for the environment ... Many advancements have been made, but each of these causes is just part of larger wish for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. These diverse movements for thousands of different causes are beginning to converge and a more holistic movement --what UNESCO has described as a 'global movement for a culture of peace' -- is beginning to emerge. The Culture of Peace Movement is helping to unite the strengths of existing organizations and individuals so that creating a culture of peace really is now possible.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The world is a dangerous place. But if we chose not to let fear control our lives, and instead stood up and worked together to change the way things are, this would be a much better world for everyone.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

"Democracy" is one of the most important principles for a better world. In its truest sense, a democracy is a community in which all members have an equal say in the running of that community. Unfortunately in reality, democratic societies have fallen short of this ideal. Nevertheless, because of its very nature, once a democracy is established, its citizens can work together to make their society more and more democratic, if they choose to do so.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Many of the conflicts in our lives and in the world are caused by misunderstandings. Sometimes we jump to conclusions about why others do things. Sometimes we don't understand the cultural differences of others. Poor communication makes the conflict worse. Real dialogue can often lead to understanding, helping communities to get along much better.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Many people believe that the world would be a more peaceful place if there were fewer weapons. For this reason, an important component of even the earliest peace movements was to advocate for disarmament -- convincing nations to keep only the weapons they need for an adequate police force.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The United Nations has made some progress towards disarmament, with treaties and conventions that create guidelines and international laws about weapons production and exportation to other countries. But the UN can only do what nations allow it to do, and unfortunately, the profits many nations make from exporting weapons has slowed progress in disarmament over the years.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

intercultural dialogue is the best guarantee of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Okay, we are different it's true.
And I don't like to do all the things that you do.
But here's one thing to think through,
You're a lot like me and I'm a lot like you!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

If it were easier to choose to do the right thing, wouldn't people be more likely to do it? Maybe peace on earth is an impossible dream, but if we changed the rules, this world could be so much better. So, why do we allow an unfair system to rule us by fear? Why don't we work together to create a better world and bring hope!

The environmental movement is one of the most successful social change movements. Popularizing Earth Day celebrations can be credited with bringing the movement to the mainstream. Through grassroots efforts, festivals, fairs, assemblies and concerts have helped popularize concern for our environment in the public's mind. Since so many people participate in Earth Day activities, Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to get people to tap-into the better world movement, so that they can find the inspiration and encouragement to continue activities for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world all year long.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The global economy is a runaway train that is causing more and more suffering in the world. The current 'profit before people' system is causing the gap between the very rich and the very poor to grow larger each year. In order to transform the global economy into a true global community, we need to create a Better World Economy - an economic system that gives value to other commodities besides money. Then we can create more sustainable local, national and global communities.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We can create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser energy choices.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The Fair Trade movement is growing as people realize that they can help alleviate poverty and protect the environment by choosing Fair Trade products.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The ideal of "a family" is one of the most basic models of what a better world can be like. In a perfect family, the members are joined by bonds of love; they help each other meet all of their physical and emotional needs. Of course no family is perfect, but a family that strives together to become a "family for a better world" can help each member to feel more fulfilled and better about themselves and the world. They also provide a real-life example of how the human family can work together to create a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Fear is a natural and important response for survival. But fear can also become a harmful emotion when it causes us to act irrationally. When we allow fear to control our lives, we see things differently, we're more cautious and more timid, or we overreact to situations in ways that can be harmful to ourselves and others.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Forgiveness is one of the most important first steps to ending conflicts in our families, our communities and between nations.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Learning to let things go and forgive isn't always easy, but when we truly forgive, it helps foster better health, better relationships, a deeper sense of purpose and self worth and a feeling of connection to others.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Freedom is the most basic of all human rights, and yet throughout history many individuals and nations have had to struggle to be free. Much progress has been made in helping to win freedom for all. But even though all nations agreed to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for their citizens, many people are not allowed these basic liberties.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

"The rain may be falling hard outside,
But your smile makes it all alright.
I'm so glad that you're my friend.
I know our friendship will never end."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Friends are one of the greatest treasures we have in life. We choose our friends and share ourselves with them in good times, bad times and through every day life.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We can change the system by helping people see that there really is a movement for a better world emerging all around us.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

As peacemakers, we are part of a movement that has worked throughout history towards humanity's greatest goal - creating a culture of peace.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

If we look back at the course of history, we can see how the many different movements for a better world have evolved and have helped us to get to this moment. The goals of each of these movements have been converging, and a new holistic movement is emerging.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Together we can help transform the global economy into a global community.

-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Exactly what brings happiness is a mystery for most people. Some try to find it by pursuing wealth, love, adventure and climbing the corporate ladder. Many who reach the goals that they've convinced themselves they need to reach to be happy, however, find themselves still searching for happiness. The conclusion that many heroes for a better world have discovered, is that helping others to be happy is the surest way to find happiness.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Good health is one of the most important ingredients for a happy and productive life. And yet, many people do not have access to health care and live in conditions that spread disease.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

At any given time today in America, there are about half a million people who are "homeless" -- they don't have a “permanent, safe, decent, affordable place to live.” Around the world there are about 100 million homeless people, and many of them are women and children.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

" The evolution of the human rights movement clearly illustrates humanity's ongoing struggle toward creating a better world."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Somehow people are starting to think of "entitlements' as 'extra unearned luxuries' that should be taken away during hard times. But the definition of an entitlement is a right that is granted by law or by nature, to which all are guaranteed access. True entitlements are basic needs not luxury items. When politicians insist on cutting 'entitlements' they need to ensure that only luxuries are on the cutting block not basic needs.

We have forgotten the basic SOCIAL CONTRACT of rights and responsibilities that binds us together as a society. Society expects citizens to follow laws it has instated in order to protect individuals and institutions. Without these laws there would be chaos -- the strong would simply take anything they wanted and the rest would have no recourse. In return the social contract guarantees that if people follow these rules or responsibilities they will be guaranteed basic rights - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A guarantee of life ensures they will have access to basic human needs of water, food and shelter needed to live and to support their family. Liberty involves the ability to engage in activities the individual wishes, as long as it does not violate the law. The pursuit of happiness is a guarantee that the laws are meant to be fair and provide an equal playing field for all members of society, so that through hard work and creative enterprise, all law-abiding citizens are free to strive to attain the wants and desires they believe will bring them happiness.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Those who wish for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world are helping to make ending world hunger a major priority... Together we can end hunger.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

When European explorers 'discovered' lands on the other continents, there were already people living there. All too often the explorers took the land away from the native or indigenous peoples and either killed them or suppressed them. In many cases, the native languages and cultures were suppressed and the natives were forced to adopt Western ways. Unfortunately, this isn't just a thing of the past -- many indigenous peoples and their cultures are still threatened today.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We can only make our lives and our world more peaceful, when we ourselves feel inner peace.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Some of the wars and conflicts of the past and present were fought over land and resources, but many have been over religious differences. In this past century, a global interfaith movement has been growing, helping to raise consciousness about the need for tolerance and understanding between different cultures and religions. This movement has helped highlight the common goals that most religions share, such as the Golden Rule, which is at the heart of nearly all religious traditions. At the same time, many throughout the world are discovering that 'spirituality' -- a deep connection to a greater purpose for humanity -- is an important driving force in their lives, even if they aren't religious.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

"The flower of kindness will grow. Maybe not now, but it will some day.
And in kind that kindness will flow, for kindness grows in this way."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

"The good deed you do today, for a brother or sister in need
Will come back to you some day, for humanity's a circle in deed."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Together we are creating a more peaceful, just and sustainable world through kindness.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

"Sometimes just a smile on your face
Can help to make this world a better place.
Stand up for the things that are right.
Try to talk things out instead of fight.
Lend a hand when you can, get involved this is good.
You can help to make a difference in your neighborhood."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Today, although there are still sweatshops and other inhumane working conditions for many workers around the world, the labor movement has won numerous victories that many of us take for granted, such as the 5-day work week, 8-hour work day, paid holidays and the end of child labor.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

You probably know that many of the world's plants and animals are in danger of extinction, but did you know that many human languages are in danger of becoming extinct, too? Globalization has helped to make the world a smaller place. But it has also contributed to the loss of many languages around the world. Every two weeks another language disappears forever! Once a language is lost, humanity loses a part of our rich heritage. Helping to preserve endangered languages is important to keep traditions alive.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

It is ironic that in a democracy where all are free and enjoy equal rights, we must also have laws -- equal responsibilities -- so that the rights and freedom of others are protected. However, in a democracy, laws must also be fair, clearly defined, and applied equally to all members of the society -- both citizens and rulers.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

At one time or another, everyone chooses or is asked to be a leader. With training and understanding, we can all be better leaders when we are called to be in a leadership position.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

International Literacy Day is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of literacy to individuals and their communities, and to honor the teachers and volunteers who are making a difference by helping children and adults learn to read and write.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Set your sites on where you want to be, but focus on where you are now, and take each step, moment by moment.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The key to living a 'better world lifestyle' is to set our sites on where we want to be, but focus on where we are NOW, and take each step, moment by moment. The past is past. The future will come when it comes. We are here in the present. We can learn from the past. Where we can, we can try to mend our relationships and do what we can to create a better world. But where there is nothing we can do, we have to let it go. We have to let ourselves live, free of the burdens of guilt, and regret and anger. We can plan for the future, but we must live in the present and let go of anxiety and worries about what might be.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Love is the way we show peace,
   Love sets us free.
Love is the bond that joins us
   to our community.
Love is the answer
   that we've been searching for.
It lives inside all of us,
   just open up the door,
And Love to find Peace...
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Love is the truth that sets us free...
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The media has become a major influence in shaping the world. Many are concerned that fewer and fewer corporations are controlling the vast majority of our media. Help promote a free world press, media reform and support alternative media sources.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

In order for there to be peace on earth, war must be abolished.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

In order for there to be peace on earth, war must no longer be allowed to be viable option for nations to settle their differences.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The Season For Nonviolence has grown into an important educational and media opportunity to bring communities together, empowering them to envision and help create a nonviolent world, one heart and one day at a time. Throughout the 64-day campaign, events and activities for peace and nonviolence take place all around the world, highlighting existing peacebuilding initiatives and inspiring new year-round activities for a more peaceful, nonviolent, just and sustainable world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

After over 30 years of building nuclear power plants, there is still no safe way of disposing the contaminated nuclear materials that are produced. These contaminated wastes endanger our environment and the lives of countless generations to come.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Hiroshima Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the threat of nuclear weapons and the dangers of nuclear energy. It's the perfect time to urge your Mayor to declare your city a Nuclear Free Zone.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Every interaction is an opportunity to spread peace by building bonds of friendship and community.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Peacemaking is a way of life, a way of thinking that is integrated into our daily lives. It is striving to use every interaction as an opportunity to spread peace and build bonds of friendship and community...
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Peacemaking is striving to use every interaction as an opportunity to spread peace and build bonds of friendship and community.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We want peace on earth!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

"Peace is more than the absence of war. It is learning to respect ourselves, each other and the planet we share. And it begins with each of us, ONE DAY at a time..."
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Peace of mind is not a goal I need achieve.
It's a place inside I never want to leave.
Close my eyes, I still my thoughts and then I say
I will choose to live in peace today.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We can only help make our lives and our world more peaceful, when we ourselves feel peace. Peace already exists within each of us, if we only allow ourselves to feel its comfort. Peace of mind begins when we stop thinking about how far we have to go, or how hard the road has been, and just let ourselves feel peace. Peace of mind gives us the strength to keep trying and keep walking along the path that we KNOW is right for our lives.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

As peacemakers, we are part of a movement that has worked throughout history towards humanity's greatest goal - creating a culture of peace.

-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We can only help make our lives and our world more peaceful, when we ourselves feel peace. Peace already exists within each of us, if we only allow ourselves to feel its comfort. Peace of mind begins when we stop thinking about how far we have to go, or how hard the road has been, and just let ourselves feel peace. Peace of mind gives us the strength to keep trying and keep walking along the path that we KNOW is right for our lives.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We refocus and rededicate our lives by allowing ourselves to feel inner peace so that we can once again see our greater purpose and know that our lives as peacebuilders are making a difference. We are part of a movement that has worked throughout history towards humanity's greatest goal - creating a culture of peace.

-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Follow your dreams of a better world, and keep on trying, even when there seems to be little hope, because it is the right thing to do. We may never know how the seeds of kindness that we plant may help others on their journey, today, or even sometime far in the future. But every act of compassion makes a difference!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

At times the road of life can seem dark, cold, and lonely. One day it seems, nothing in the world can stop you from accomplishing your dreams. Then, unexpectedly a situation arises out of nowhere and the doubt, fear, and anxiety creep in. Perseverance Quotes give us the insight and strength to do what's necessary to accomplish your most treasured and sought after dreams and goals. They provide you that little extra boost you need to keep on keeping on even when the world says it can't be done. -- Robert Alan Silverstein

Our government is never what it seems,
Making secret deals behind the scenes.
Selling favors, guns and oil deeds,
It's supposed to serve its governed people's needs!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Why are they the ones that get to say what is right and wrong?
The profits before people way makes it hard to get along.
We want a world that's fair and just with peace for everyone.
We've got to go on now, we must, before our world is done.
We want our world back!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Globalization has improved the lives of people throughout the world, but it has also widened the gap between rich and poor...Working to end poverty will make the world safer.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Our global community has come a long way in helping to eliminate discrimination, but we still have far to go.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

End Racism Day ... is a perfect opportunity to help our communities celebrate human unity and the diversity of the human race rather than allow our differences to become an excuse for racial separation.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

We can help educate our families and communities about the importance of recycling for our environment, and how each of us can make a difference for a better world by recycling.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Every word we speak and every action we make has the potential to change the direction of a relationship.

how each of us can make a difference for a better world by recycling.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

World Refugee Day is an important opportunity to remind us about the ongoing plight of millions of refugees around the world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

RITUALS Rituals can be powerful tools when the physical activity acts as a transcending springboard for reaching a deeper understanding of oneself, the world, or a problem at hand. But they can also become traps when the act becomes more important than the goal. - Robert Alan Silverstein

voluntary simplicity is helping people change their lives and collectively helping to create a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, right? While it is true that slavery is illegal almost everywhere on earth, the fact is there are more slaves today than there ever were...
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Social entrepreneurs are helping to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Every Day is an opportunity for all who value spirituality in their lives to connect and unite in our wish for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world based on values grounded in our deeper spiritual connection to each other and the world around us.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Whenever we feel overwhelmed by the amount that needs to be done, or caught up in a moment of anger, we need to take time out for peace of mind.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

For some, prayer or meditation will be the way to refocus and remember our higher purpose. Simply stopping for a moment and taking a deep breath and counting to ten, is sometimes all that we need to pull us out of a situation so that we can pause, and refocus and restore the balance of purpose and direction.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

When a moment is carrying your thoughts and emotions somewhere you don't want to go, stop, take a deep breath and slowly whisper "May Peace Prevail On Earth" a few times. This simple phrase will center you, and remind you that you are never alone in your wish for a better world. At any moment many others are sharing this universal wish all around the world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

The human family is very diverse, with many different beliefs and cultures and ways of life. Many conflicts in our world are caused when people are intolerant of the ways that others see the world. Learning tolerance is an important cornerstone to creating a better world.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Torture -- the intentional infliction of severe mental or physical pain or suffering -- is a violation of the most basic of all human rights.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

On April Fools Day people delight in trying to trick others with tall tales. Unfortunately, too often people find themselves falling into the habit of telling little white lies and tall tales, in an effort to get ahead or to avoid getting into trouble. Tell The Truth Day is an opportunity to remind ourselves that telling the truth is a powerful virtue that we might sometimes find ourselves bypassing. By consciously making an effort to be truthful on Tell The Truth Day, we remember that telling the truth really is the best policy not just on Tell The Truth Day, but everyday.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Did you know that when you eat a healthier diet, consider more vegetarian options, and don't waste food, you're helping end world hunger!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

One of the most powerful ways to make a difference is to become a vegetarian, which helps save animals, helps the ecology of the planet and can improve your health.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein


Do One Thing for a better world. Together we make a world of difference.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Some people are fortunate enough to earn their livelihoods in jobs that directly help to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. But much of the efforts to make life better for our communities and our world are done by volunteers -- people who work for a better world without pay. Volunteers ARE creating a better world, one person and one act of kindness at a time.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Water is one of the most basic of all needs -- we cannot live for more than a few days without it. And yet, most people take water for granted. We waste water needlessly and don't realize that clean water is a very limited resource. More than 1 billion people around the world have no access to safe, clean drinking water, and over 2.5 billion do not have adequate sanitation service. Over 2 million people die each year because of unsafe water - and most of them are children!
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

Even though they make up half the population, women and girls have endured discrimination in most societies for thousands of years. In the past, women were treated as property of their husbands or fathers - they couldn't own land, they couldn't vote or go to school, and were subject to beatings and abuse and could do nothing about it. Over the last hundred years, much progress has been made to gain equal rights for women around the world, but many still live without the rights to which all people are entitled.
-- Robert Alan Silverstein

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